This time, I have these definitions:
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Suit = Club | Spade | Diamond | Heart
deriving (Show, Eq)
class Eq a => Eq (Cycle a) where
step :: a -> a
stepMany :: Integer -> a -> a
stepMany 0 x = x
stepMany steps x = stepMany (steps - 1) (step x)
instance Eq Color => Cycle Color where
step color
| color == Red = Green
| color == Green = Blue
| color == Blue = Red
instance Eq Suit => Cycle Suit where
step suit
| suit == Club = Spade
| suit == Spade = Diamond
| suit == Diamond = Heart
| suit == Heart = Club
My problem is that the line
class Eq a => Eq (Cycle a) where'='"
produces the error
Unexpected type `Cycle a'
In the class declaration for `Eq'
A class declaration should have form
class Eq a where ...
7 | class Eq a => Eq (Cycle a) where
Q: What am I doing wrong here?
You don't need the Eq
constraint on Cycle
, nor on Color
and Suit
. You can just write the module like this:
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Suit = Club | Spade | Diamond | Heart
deriving (Show, Eq)
class Cycle a where
step :: a -> a
stepMany :: Integer -> a -> a
stepMany 0 x = x
stepMany steps x = stepMany (steps - 1) (step x)
instance Cycle Color where
step color
| color == Red = Green
| color == Green = Blue
| color == Blue = Red
instance Cycle Suit where
step suit
| suit == Club = Spade
| suit == Spade = Diamond
| suit == Diamond = Heart
| suit == Heart = Club