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how to cancel MuiTreeItem-group margin-left?

i am using MUI tree,and i want to cancel the margin-left of the second layer of MuiTreeItem-group

I tried to use makeStyles to solve it, but it doesn't seem to work

const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
  root: {
    ".MuiCollapse-root .MuiCollapse-vertical .MuiTreeItem-group": {
      marginLeft: '0px',

Then I try to use @global to modify, but it will cause other layers to be modified together

const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
  root: {
    "@global": {
      ".MuiTreeItem-group": {
        marginLeft: '0px'

enter image description here

The effect I hope is that only the second layer can be modified

enter image description here


  • You can remove the .MuiTreeItem-group left margin by using the CSS child combinator to directly target the second level. For example:

    const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
      root: {
        "& > .MuiTreeItem-root > .MuiTreeItem-group": {
          marginLeft: "0px"

    Which would produce the following effect: example treeview image

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