I want to group any text after one of these keyword for
input: /send 1 at 11:00pm for 3min
desired result: postNumber = 1, sendAt = 11:00pm, duration = 3min
input: /send 1 for 3min
desired result: postNumber = 1, duration = 3min
input: /send 1 at 11:00pm
desired result: postNumber = 1, sendAt = 11:00pm
input: /send 1 until 11:00pm
desired result: postNumber = 1, until = 11:00pm
input: /send 1 for 3min at 11:00 pm
desired result: postNumber = 1, sendAt = 11:00 pm, duration = 3min
input: /send 1 at 11am for 1 h
desired result: postNumber = 1, sendAt = 11am, duration = 1 h
I've made the following regex but could'nt figure out how to make it agnostic to order of the keywords input
(?<postNumber>\d+)(?: at (?<sendAt>.*))?(?: for (?<duration>.*))?(?: until (?<until>.*))?
I tried to add positive lockahead but it matched all the digits in the first group
(?<postNumber>\d+)(?=(?: at (?<timeToSend>.*)))?(?=(?: for (?<duration>.*)))?(?=(?: until (?<until>.*)))?
You can enclose each of the capture groups in a positive lookahead pattern so that they can be matched in any order: