i'm developing a simple chat plugin, it's ready however i'm having some doubts about the performance. I'm afraid of getting heavy for the servers.
it is based on a recursive function, calling an ajax, bringing the data from the database and printing it on the screen.
window.addEventListener('load', function(){
const chatObjectScriptsToUrlParams = (obj) =>{
let params = "";
for (var key in obj) {
if (params != "") {
params += "&";
params += key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);
return params;
const RenderChat = () => {
let divChat = document.getElementById('dv-chat');
let params = {
action: 'DvChat',
nounce: DvChat_js.nounce,
url: DvChat_js.dv_chat_ajax,
params = chatObjectScriptsToUrlParams(params);
fetch(DvChat_js.url + '?' + params)
.then((response) => {
return response.text();
.then((html) => {
divChat.innerHTML = html;
console.log('HTML => ', html);
.catch( () => {
.finally(() => {
as I said, it's a very simple way to do it, I would really like your help to know if this is really the best way, or if there are adjustments, something I can improve on this idea.
I've seen people using setInterval(); but I chose to use a recursive function to reduce the number of requests.
It's the first time I'm developing a chat, and I don't know if it's right to make so many requests the way I did, I ended up having serious doubts about the performance related to the infrastructure
For this type of application, I would recommend utilizing a websocket connection for a real-time user experience. No polling necessary. When the client receives info, it updates the server and visa-versa.
Not sure PHP is the best server-side language for this kind of app, but there is a library: Ratchet that should do what you need it to do.