I have been working on a program involving user input via an <input>
element, and wanted to do something where depending on what they typed, it changed a different variable, with something like this:
var input = document.getElementById('myInput').value;
var a = "ac";
var b = "bc";
var c = "cc";
alert(input)//Where input is replaced once ran with what is inputed, so if a is typed it alerts "ac"
<input id="myInput" type="text" value="a" />
Obviously, the above example does not work, but is there a way where it would?
You can put all the variables in an object instead and dynamically access its properties based on the input.
const obj = {
a: "ac",
b: "bc",
c: "cc"
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', e => {
const val = document.getElementById('myInput').value;
<input id="myInput" type="text" value="a" />
<button>Get value</button>