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I updated my maven-surefire-plugin from 2.20 to 3.1.2 and its giving me an error saying no test cases ran

I am an automation engineer.

WARNING: Unexpected errornet.masterthought.cucumber.ValidationException: No JSON report file was found!at net.masterthought.cucumber.ReportParser.parseJsonFiles( net.masterthought.cucumber.ReportBuilder.generateReports(

I'm getting this error when I run [mvn clean test] with maven-surefire-plugin version 3.1.2 but works perfectly when I run with maven-surefire-plugin 2.20. Do I have to configure something in my project for it to work with version 3.1.2? also when I run with version 2.20, the target folder compiles a cucumber.json file but with 3.1.2 it doesn't compile a cucumber.json file. The reason I need to upgrade is because the surefire plugin 2.20 is using a log4j version that a vulnerability.

Below is my pom.xml and my test runner class. I want to know how to run mvn clean test without that error coming back







                    <projectName>Automations</projectName> <!-- Replace with project name -->
                    <jsonFiles> <!-- supports wildcard or name pattern -->
                    </jsonFiles> <!-- optional, defaults to outputDirectory if not specified -->





package utility;

            features = "src/test/java/features",
            glue = { "stepDefinitions", "utility" },
            tags = "@smoke",
            dryRun = false,
            publish = true,
            plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber/simple-reports.html",
            "json:target/cucumber/cucumber.json", "junit:target/cucumber/cucumber.xml"}

public class testRunnerClass {


I tried to see what other people did and add junit-jupiter-plugin but gave me back the same error. I just need some help making mvn clean test work with new surefire plugin and have all the correct reports in the target folder like simple reports and cucumber reports


  • maven-surefire-plugin automatically detect test engine based on your dependencies - but by default only one is used - Junit5 test framework has higer priority and it is used.

    This behavior was changed between 2.x and 3.x version of surefire.

    If you have mixed JUnit 4 and 5 tests in your projects you need to add junit-vintage-engine to your dependencies

            <version><!-- junit 5 version used in project --></version>