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Execute Playwright not via test runner

I've written a Playwright test but instead of running it via the test runner (NUnit), I'd like to run my Playwright code either from a console application or an ASP.NET Core background service.

What is the easiest way to setup Playwright so that it can be run without a test runner?

This is my current console app code:

using Microsoft.Playwright;

var browserTest = new Microsoft.Playwright.NUnit.BrowserTest();
var context = await browserTest.NewContext();
var page = await context.NewPageAsync();
await page.SetViewportSizeAsync(600,800);
await page.GotoAsync("");

...raising a NullReferenceException for await browserTest.NewContext();.

I'm using:

  • .NET 7
  • Chromium browser
  • OS: Linux (Docker)


  • The console app has to reference the NuGet package Microsoft.Playwright.NUnit and must run the following startup code:

    var pageTest = new PageTest();
    await pageTest.PlaywrightSetup();
    await pageTest.BrowserSetup();
    await pageTest.ContextSetup();
    await pageTest.PageSetup();
    var page = pageTest.Page;

    Then you can do the regular Playwright stuff:

    await page.SetViewportSizeAsync(600, 800);
    await page.GotoAsync("");

    Even easier, as @max-schmitt pointed out via the official docs: reference the NuGet package Microsoft.Playwright and instantiate Playwright like this:

    using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
    await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync();
    var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();