This feels like a simple problem but I am bad at algebra.
I'm trying to find the distance between a point and the start of a line segment at an angle parallel to the segment. I will use the distance to interpolate a value along the line.
I also need to know when the points are outside of the line.
A code example would be appreciated, this is my attempt so far using threejs Vector2D but it isn't behaving as expected.
const lineStartOrig = lineStart.clone()
const lineLength = lineStart.distanceTo(lineEnd)
const dotDiff = point2D.sub(lineStart).dot(lineEnd) /
const pointIntersect = dummyLineStart.add(lineEnd)
.clamp(lineStartOrig, lineEnd)
const value = pointIntersect.distanceTo(lineStartOrig) / lineLength
In case it's useful to anyone, I used the following functions (unfortunately not in .js, but should illustrate the idea)
To calc angle between two vectors and a test point C:
float calcAngle(QVector2D& A, QVector2D& B, QVector2D& C)
QVector2D v1 = B - A;
QVector2D v2 = C - A;
float v1DotV2 = QVector2D::dotProduct(v1, v2);
float magV1TimesMagV2 = v1.length()* v2.length();
float cosTheta = v1DotV2/magV1TimesMagV2;
float theta = qRadiansToDegrees(acosf(cosTheta));
qInfo() << "Theta " << theta;
return theta;
To get the distance and intersect point which I think the OP is after:
float calcDistAlongParallelLineAndIntersectPoint(const QVector2D& A, const QVector2D& B, const QVector2D& C, QVector2D& intersectPoint)
QVector2D v1 = B - A;
QVector2D v2 = C - A;
float v1DotV2 = QVector2D::dotProduct(v1, v2);
float magV1TimesMagV2 = v1.length()* v2.length();
float cosTheta = v1DotV2/magV1TimesMagV2;
float dist = v2.length() * cosTheta;
QVector2D intersectingPoint = C - v1*(dist/v1.length());
return dist;