I'm new to Julia and have trouble plotting using Julia.
On the right side of the above plots,
The ticks of the colorbar in Hx_trs, and Hz_trs are not readable.
I want to print it in scientific notation, like 2e-6.
But I don't know how to do it...
the part of my code is written below:
trsfields = cat(real(Ex_trs), real(Hx_trs), real(Ey_trs), real(Hy_trs), real(Ez_trs), real(Hz_trs), dims=3)
ps = []
for (i, slice) in enumerate(eachslice(trsfields, dims=3))
name = title[i]*"_trs"
p = heatmap(slice, title=name, c=:coolwarm)
push!(ps, p)
l = @layout([a d; b e; c f;])
plot(ps..., layout=l, plot_title="trs", size=(1200, 1000))
Here, trsfields
is rank 3 tensor with size of (100, 150, 6).
Each plot is a slice of the trsfields
along the 3rd axis.
What keyword argument should I use when using the heatmap function?
I have searched for it in StackOverflow, Google, Official docs, and ChatGPT but couldn't find how.
You could do:
using Plots
heatmap(rand(10,10);colorbar_ticks=(0.1:0.1:0.9, Printf.format.(Ref(Printf.format"%.3E"), 0.1:0.1:0.9)))