I have a VBA routine that imports a CSV and then fits it to a specific table for the correct dates. The import works correctly, but the line-breaks do not display correctly, even though they are displayed correctly in the formula bar.
If you double-click the cell then the formatting displays correctly, but there are many lines within the table and I do not want to have to do it for each cell individually.
Can anyone explain why this is happening, is there a special way to enter the text into the cell with VBA? Or is there a command that I need to add at the end of the import?
I am using wordwrap and also auto row-height.
This is how I am inputting the text into the cells.
ws.Range("E" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(1))
ws.Range("F" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(2))
ws.Range("G" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(3))
ws.Range("H" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(4))
ws.Range("I" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(5))
ws.Range("J" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(6))
ws.Range("K" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(7))
ws.Range("L" & LineRow).value = ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(8))
This is how the text appears in the table upon input.
And this is how it appears in the formula bar.
Once I double-click the cell, this is how the cell appears (which is correct).
ws.Range("E" & LineRow).value = Replace(ReplaceCharacters(LineItems(1)), vbCr, vbCrLf, 1, , vbBinaryCompare)
or modify internally the ReplaceCharacters function, to do the replacement.