How can I convert this nested data to linear format data as mentioned below using jolt. Need to create separate entry for all the nested data. every record should have 5 data in it practice_loc
and S2
I have to write one jolt for transforming, data below are all possibilities of data
1st case ;
Input :
"practice_loc": 120,
"prac_num": 234,
"topId": "t1",
"subList": [
"S1": "A1",
"S2": "B1"
"S1": "A2"
After transformation:
"practice_loc": 120,
"prac_num": 234,
"topId": "t1",
"S1": "A1",
"S2": "B1"
"practice_loc": 120,
"prac_num": 234,
"topId": "t1",
"S1": "A2"
2nd case can be;
"practice_loc": 987,
"prac_num": 232,
"topId": "artica",
"subList": [
"S1": "A5",
"S2": "B7"
After transformation :
"practice_loc": 987,
"prac_num": 232,
"topId": "artica",
"S1": "A5",
"S2": "B7"
3rd case can be;
Input :
"practice_loc": 334,
"prac_num": 233,
"topId": "plumcherry",
"subList": [
"S1": "A3"
After transformation :
"practice_loc": 334,
"prac_num": 233,
"topId": "plumcherry",
"S1": "A3"
4th case can be ;
Input :
"practice_loc": 987,
"prac_num": 232,
"topId": "rose",
"subList": [
After transformation :
"practice_loc": 987,
"prac_num": 232,
"topId": "rose"
How can I write only one jolt which can cover all these cases and return the transformed data with whichever type of input it get
You can use the following transformation
{ // group elements by upper level objects wrapper nodes
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"subList": {
"*": {
"@2|@": "&3_&1" // pick the outer elements as well from the same level of "sublist" through use of @2 while @ returns the value from this array
{ // get rid of the wrappers
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": {
"*": "[#3].&"
{ // get rid of the extra generated array, namely "subList"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
"subList": ""