I have excel with 3 columns:
User | Status | Task |
Mario | done | task 11 |
Ana | cancelled | task 12 |
Maria | in work | task 13 |
Selena | in work | task 14 |
Mario | done | task 15 |
Luca | longrunner | task 16 |
Luca | done | task 17 |
Selena | in work | task 18 |
I want to have result like this: in first column are people from column A: Mario, Ana, Selena, Luca In second column, next to the name, are their tasks, but only if the B column is "in work" or "longrunner"
I tried with:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,UNIQUE(IF(OR(Sheet1!$B$2:Sheet1!$B$20="longrunner",Sheet1!$B$2:Sheet1!$B$20="in work"),IF(A2=Sheet1!$A$2:Sheet1!$A$20,Sheet1!$C$2:Sheet1!$C$20,""),"")))
but first if with OR command don't work well, it give me true all the time. When I place just one case of column B, without OR
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,UNIQUE(IF(Sheet1!$B$2:Sheet1!$B$20="in work",
it work well. What to do with first condition?
If i have understood correctly you might need to use this:
• Formula used in cell E10
a,FILTER(A2:C9,ISNUMBER(XMATCH(B2:B9,{"in work","longrunner"}))),
Or, if you want to have blanks for those don't have in-work
or longrunner
• Formula used in cell E2
HSTACK(u,BYROW(u,LAMBDA(x,TEXTJOIN(", ",1,FILTER(C2:C9,(x=A2:A9)*(ISNUMBER(XMATCH(B2:B9,{"in work","longrunner"}))),""))))))