Hello and thanks in advance for the time you guys are spending reading this,
I need to understand if there's a way to make a COM/VSTO Office Add-in and a JS API Office add-in talk with each other. The reason why is, i like the UI part of JS and the extensibility to other systems, but i need functionalities that are only available on VSTO.. Like access to shape types, etc.
Is there a way to do this ? I've been searching for days and thinking. I came up with some sort of backend communication like SignalR or kafka but i didn't want to make something so complex just to do this. I'd rather go full VSTO if it comes to that..
There is no direct mechanism for communication between two kind of Office add-ins. As a possible workaround you can use a back-end server to communicate between the two. Also you may consider setting up custom properties on items where you could track changes (for example, in Outlook).