I've got server that run the on UTC timezone, but I need to get data range on local timezone, the data have collectTime
attribute that has unix timestamp. So I just need to get the start and end of day of the locale to get correct data represent this day
This is what I tried :
const { startOfDay, endOfDay, getTime, subDays } = require("date-fns");
const { utcToZonedTime } = require("date-fns-tz");
const timezone = "Asia/Jakarta";
const correctLocalStartDate = 1685379600000;
const correctLocalEndDate = 1685465999999;
const selectedUnixTime = subDays(new Date(), 1).getTime();
const localDate = utcToZonedTime(selectedUnixTime, timezone);
const localStartDate = getTime(startOfDay(localDate));
const localEndDate = getTime(endOfDay(localDate));
isItCorrect: localStartDate === correctLocalStartDate,
correctDate: new Date(correctLocalStartDate),
systemDate: new Date(localStartDate),
"Start Date"
isItCorrect: localEndDate === correctLocalEndDate,
correctDate: new Date(correctLocalEndDate),
systemDate: new Date(localEndDate),
"End Date"
Will return
isItCorrect: false,
correctDate: 2023-05-29T17:00:00.000Z,
systemDate: 2023-05-30T07:00:00.000Z
} // Start Date
isItCorrect: false,
correctDate: 2023-05-30T16:59:59.999Z,
systemDate: 2023-05-31T06:59:59.999Z
} // End Date
But the localStartDate
(printed on systemDate
) are still wrong since it's not on the correct start of local date that I'm using. How do I get the correct unix timestamp for start and end day on locale date time?
Seems like the original answer has been deleted, I dont know why. But the answer is :
The endOfday
and startOfDay
doesn't use timezone date (it's always UTC, because my server are on UTC). The correct way to use it would be :
const localStartDate = getTime(
zonedTimeToUtc(startOfDay(localDate), timezone)
const localEndDate = getTime(zonedTimeToUtc(endOfDay(localDate), timezone));