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Jenkins agent templates lost after jenkins controller pod restarts

Setting up custom build agents using Kubernetes plugin on Jenkins represents a major issue.

Every time the Jenkins master node restarts, the custom agent templates defined in Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Cloud > Kubernetes are lost and we need to re-add them again.

I wonder what should be done to permanently save our custom agent templates especially that we regularly update Jenkins version and/or plugins.

Is there any solution for this ?

What we tried:

  • Add custom agent templates under Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Cloud > Kubernetes
  • Perform an action that requires Jenkins to restart.

What is expected

  • Custom Jenkins agent templates still there.

What we found

  • Jenkins custom agents are lost and need to be manually added again


  • I got it working by adding my agent templates in podTemplates map in values like the following:

    customAgent: |
      - name: customAgent
        label: customAgent
        - name: regcred
          - name: agent
            image: agent_docker_image:0.1
            command: sleep
            args: 99999
            ttyEnabled: true
            workingDir: /home/jenkins/agent