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Is there a way to represent a range of indexes in a lua table for a dissector?

Trying to build a dissector in lua where in the ProtoField for one of the values, I map it to a table so that when passed some uint it can get said string from the list of outputs. The current issue is that I have some indexes of 1, 2, and 3, but I also need a range of numbers that correspond to one output string, and its too many to hardcode it all in. I thought about just adding some check that will add said index whenever it doesn't exist, but that would result in alot of wasted time and wanted to ensure there wasn't a better way.

Tried mapping it to a function and setting a default value with a metatable.


  • Generically, a table can contain tables as indices. These tables could each be used to represent a range of indices.

    A cursory example (note that overlapping ranges are not stable):

    local range_mt = {}
    range_mt.__index = range_mt
    function range_mt:contains(value)
        return self.lower <= value and value <= self.upper
    local function range(lower, upper)
        return setmetatable({
            lower = lower,
            upper = upper
        }, range_mt)
    local map = setmetatable({
        [1] = 'hello',
        [2] = 'world',
        [3] = 'goodbye',
        ranges = {
            [range(10, 20)] = 'foo',
            [range(51, 99)] = 'bar'
    }, {
        __index = function (self, value)
            for r, str in pairs(self.ranges) do
                if r:contains(value) then
                    return str
            return "DEFAULT"
    for _, value in ipairs { 9, 6, 1, 2, 16, 4, 15, 66, 51, 3, 94 } do
        print(value, '->', map[value])
    9   ->  DEFAULT
    6   ->  DEFAULT
    1   ->  hello
    2   ->  world
    16  ->  foo
    4   ->  DEFAULT
    15  ->  foo
    66  ->  bar
    51  ->  bar
    3   ->  goodbye
    94  ->  bar