I have been dealing with customer bill of materials that contains references with numbers that are separated by a dash, rather than the full sequence of references spelled out, e.g. C1-4 instead of C1, C2, C3, C4 or C1 C2 C3 C4
Some customers will use a comma to separate references, some only space, sometimes there is a mix of the two, which also complicates things. Here is an example:
R2 R5, R7 R11
R26 R28-30 R42, R45-46, R62-65, R70-71, R92-102, R113-114
R31-35 R40-41 R56-61 R72-79 R86-91
R36, R38-39
I'm trying to make a macro that will generate the full set of references automatically for only the selected portion of the references column, and generate that full set of references in the column next to it.
Sometimes customers leave a blank line between sections of references. Empty cells should remain empty in the output.
I found one place online that had asked a very similar question - https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/splitting-out-numbers-separated-by-dash.679290/ but I did not understand the code there and it did not work for what I've been trying to do.
I am not great with VBS, but I got the below code running without throwing any errors so far, but it doesn't generate the full set of references. It just copies them as they are, and I do not know where I went wrong.
Sub SplitReferences()
'June 1, 2023
Dim inputRange As Range
Dim outputCell As Range
Dim inputArea As Range
Dim inputCell As Range
Dim startNum As Long
Dim endNum As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim outputString As String
' Set the input range where your values are
Set inputRange = Selection ' Use the selected range as input
' Set the output range where you want the split references
Set outputCell = inputRange.Offset(0, 1).Cells(1) ' Output in the column next to the input
' Loop through each area in the input range
For Each inputArea In inputRange.Areas
' Loop through each cell in the area
For Each inputCell In inputArea
' Split the value by dash
Dim parts() As String
parts = Split(inputCell.Value, "-")
' Check if there is a dash in the value
If UBound(parts) > 0 Then
' Extract the start and end numbers
startNum = Val(parts(0))
endNum = Val(parts(1))
' If there is no dash, treat it as a single value
startNum = Val(parts(0))
endNum = Val(parts(0))
End If
' Loop through the numbers and add them to the output range
For i = startNum To endNum
outputCell.Value = inputCell.Offset(i - startNum).Value
Set outputCell = outputCell.Offset(1) ' Move to the next row
Next i
Next inputCell
Next inputArea
End Sub
Another approach:
Sub Tester()
Dim c As Range, arr, el, txt As String, rv As String, sep As String
For Each c In Selection.Cells 'loop selected range
txt = Trim(c.Value)
If Len(txt) > 0 Then 'cell has a value?
arr = Split(Normalize(txt), " ")
rv = ""
sep = ""
For Each el In arr
'convert to sequence if value has a dash
If InStr(el, "-") > 0 Then el = Sequence(CStr(el), " ")
If Len(el) > 0 Then rv = rv & sep & el
sep = " "
Next el
With c.Offset(0, 1)
.WrapText = True
.Value = rv
End With
End If 'has content
Next c
End Sub
'Normalize the input to replace unwanted characters with spaces
' Remove runs of >1 space, and spaces around "-"
Function Normalize(ByVal txt As String)
Dim arr, el
arr = Array(vbLf, vbCr, Chr(160), ",", ";", ":") 'replace these with a space
For Each el In arr
txt = Replace(txt, el, " ")
Next el
Do While InStr(1, txt, " ") > 0 'remove any multi-space runs
txt = Replace(txt, " ", " ")
txt = Replace(txt, " -", "-") 'remove any spaces next to dashes
txt = Replace(txt, "- ", "-")
Normalize = txt
End Function
'Return a sequence from a pattern like [letter][number1]-[number2],
' separated by `sep`
Function Sequence(txt As String, sep As String)
Dim prefix, rv As String, sp, arr, v1, v2, i As Long
prefix = GetPrefix(txt) 'extract leading non-numeric character(s)
arr = Split(txt, "-")
v1 = NumberOnly(arr(0))
v2 = NumberOnly(arr(1))
If Len(v1) > 0 And Len(v2) > 0 Then
'handle case like R102-4, R102-24
If Len(v2) < Len(v1) Then v2 = Left(v1, Len(v1) - Len(v2)) & v2
v1 = CLng(v1)
v2 = CLng(v2)
For i = v1 To v2 'assumes V2 > v1...
rv = rv & sp & prefix & i
sp = sep
Next i
End If
Sequence = rv
End Function
'return the first [whole] number found in `txt`
Function NumberOnly(txt)
Dim i As Long, c, rv
For i = 1 To Len(txt)
c = Mid(txt, i, 1)
If c Like "#" Then
NumberOnly = NumberOnly & c
If Len(NumberOnly) > 0 Then Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
'Return leading non-numeric character(s)
Function GetPrefix(txt As String)
Dim i As Long, c As String, rv
For i = 1 To Len(txt)
c = Mid(txt, i, 1)
If c Like "#" Then Exit For
rv = rv & c
Next i
GetPrefix = rv
End Function