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Power Automate: how to catch which column was updated in Dataverse Connector

I'm starting from a "When a row is added, modified or deleted" connector, i'm passing in a switch connector that controls if the row is added, modified or deleted.

I'm then using the mail node to notify myself if a row is added, modified or deleted, in the case a row is added i have to include in the mail which fields of that row have been modified.

I can't find if this control is possible (check the row and compare it with the pre-modified version) and how to do it.

This is the embrional flow


  • This may help you for getting specific modifications:

    In the trigger node, if you click "Show advanced options", you'll see a textbox labeled "Select columns". If you enter any field name in that box, the cloud flow won't trigger unless one of those fields is modified. Hovering over the textbox shows you an explanation of what it does.