Having read several posts on this subject, I have managed to insert data from a multiple select form. However, the data goes into one row. I need each value to go into separate rows. Here is the relevant field in the form
<label>Assign Users::</label>
<select id="client" name="client[]" multiple="multiple">
<option class="multiple" value="selected">Assign User to Project</option>
foreach($clients as $client){
<option value="<?php echo $client ->user_id;?>"><?php echo $client ->user_name; ?></option>
And here is the Insert code
$ref=$_POST['project_ref'] ;
$user_id=implode(',', $_POST['user']);
$wpdb->insert( 'vo_wp_assigned_projects', array('client'=>$user_id,'project'=> $ref));
This inserts into one row, which is no use as I need to be able to access each individual entry. I have tried foreach loops from other posts in this group with no success. I hope I have provided sufficient information.
Retrieve the array: $clients = $_POST['client'];
gives you an array of selected values from the select field.
Loop through the array: Using foreach ($clients as $client_id)
, you process each selected value.
Insert separately: For each $client_id
, an insert query is executed to create a new row.
$clients = $_POST['client'];
foreach ($clients as $client_id) {
'client' => $client_id,
'project' => $ref,