I have two models in my Phoenix app: School
and User
. A school can have many users. This relationship is defined by the SchoolUser
I want to list all schools and count how many students each school has. For that, I have the following function:
def list_schools do
|> join(:left, [s], u in assoc(s, :users))
|> where([s, u], u.role == ^:student)
|> group_by([s], s.id)
|> select([s], {s, count(s.id)})
|> Repo.all()
The function above works for returning a list of schools and counting how many students each school has. However, it doesn't return schools that don't have any students.
How can I return 0
for schools with no students?
We can move the check to the on
def list_schools do
|> join(:left, [c], u in assoc(c, :users), on: u.role == ^:student)
|> group_by([s], s.id)
|> select([s], {s, count(s.id)})
|> Repo.all()