I have a spreadsheet where I have an importrange and vlookup to another file where its looking up to a pivot table. Some data is blank in the pivot table and when I lookup in the formula, I have a result of blank even though I have set it to return to 0 by iferror.
Here's my formula:
=iferror(VLOOKUP(A5,importrange("12PaJfEC7Q7gOcCx2zlMHG3YybQuk1TSsNjZDw26qFRg","Converted Pivot!A:E"),3,false),0)
You may try:
=let(Σ,ifna(vlookup(A5,importrange("12PaJfEC7Q7gOcCx2zlMHG3YybQuk1TSsNjZDw26qFRg","Converted Pivot!A:E"),3,),"no_match_found"),
will now be shown as 0
& a non-match output error will be prompted with no_match_found