I'm trying to automate a report into a layout the boss wants it in, I have it taken out the sales program and am adding a 1-30, 31-60, 61+ date range for sales, I have added a formula to column S,T,U with this '=IF(R4="","",IF($A4=1,IF(AND($P4<=30),$R4,0),"autosum")) changing the $P4<= value for the different number of days
I then select S:U copy and paste as values to remove the formulas, but what I am having an issue with is I need to autofill the contents from R to S:U that has autosum as the cell content
I am hoping for a macro recommendation as the report has thousands of lines, I am trying to search for autosum, use activecell.offset(0,-1) then autofill. But I am having an issue with the range to fill.
This is the current macro that stops working after application.cutcopymode=false with an application-defined error message.
Sub autosum()
' autosum Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+A
Cells.Find(What:="autosum", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas2, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("R7:U7"), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
any help would be much appreciated.
I have tried with activecell.range(r:u), but after this point I am out of my depth with modifying macros.
Option Explicit
Private Sub BT_FIND_AND_COPY_Click()
Call fillAutosums
End Sub
' We have to scan ONLY column S and when find a cell with "autosum"
' get the cell on the left => R, and autofill included R four cells on the right => R,S,T,U
Private Sub fillAutosums()
Dim r As Range, frow As Long, lastFrow As Long, curRow As Long
Dim firstCell As String, lastCell As String, lastRow As Long
' find the last used row of the sheet
lastRow = Me.UsedRange.rows.CountLarge
firstCell = "S1"
lastCell = "S" & lastRow
' frow and lastFrow are initially equal to 0
On Error GoTo Lexit
frow = WorksheetFunction.Match("autosum", Me.Range(firstCell & ":" & lastCell), 0)
' If we are here something from Match will have been found, otherwise
' there would have been fired an error
' we found a cell with "autosum"
' the row is relative to the range use in Match. To calculate the
' row in sheet add the last found row
curRow = frow + lastFrow
' get in r the cell on the left R...
Set r = Me.Range("R" & curRow)
' autofill form r to => resizing r to include S,T,U
r.AutoFill Destination:=r.Resize(1, 4), Type:=xlFillDefault
' if the found row is the last of used range => no more work to do
If frow >= lastRow Then Exit Do
' the next Match to begin from the next row => row after curRow
firstCell = "S" & (curRow + 1)
' make the last found row equal to this found row
lastFrow = curRow
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Showing Formulas Before and after AutoFill