I want to use antd theme tokens to style my custom component? May be there is an emotion-like way:
// style.ts
export default createStyles((token) => ({
foo: {
color: token.colorPrimary,
// index.tsx
import styles from './style';
const FooBar = () => {
return (
<div className={styles.foo}>
Or maybe there is a better way to do it? There is practically nothing in the docs except useToken and use in style directly.
You can import theme
from antd and use it as a hook:
import { theme as antdTheme } from 'antd'
function MyComponent() {
const { useToken } = antdTheme
const { token: theme } = useToken()
// now use it
return (<div
color: theme.colorPrimary
styled div
Or you can create a styles file (keeping your styles separated from your components/functions) and use it like this:
// styles.ts
import { CSSProperties } from 'react'
import { theme as antdTheme } from 'antd'
// if you use TS you must declare types here
type StylesType = {
DivStyle: CSSProperties
OtherComponentStyle: CSSProperties
function Styles(): StylesType {
const { useToken } = antdTheme
const { token: theme } = useToken()
const DivStyle = {
color: theme.colorPrimary
... other components
return {
... other components
export default
And use it like this:
// MyComponent.tsx
import Styles from 'path/to/styles'
function MyComponent() {
const S = Styles()
// now use it
return (
styled div