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When converting an Entity to a Bean, Model Mapper returns an empty object

I want to map an entity to a bean class using a model mapper since they both have identical fields except for additional property in the entity class, which is an object type. It works for Dto to entity conversion, however, the additional property in this case returns null.

Bean/ Dto class

public class SettingDto {

    private UUID settingUUID;
    private AdditionalPropertyDto additionalProperty;

AdditionalPropertyDto Class

public class AdditionalPropertyDto {
    private String colorCode;

Entity class

public class SettingEntity {

    @Column(name = "setting_uuid", nullable = false)
    private UUID settingUUID;

    @Type(type = "jsonb")
    @Column(name = "additional_property", columnDefinition = "jsonb")
    private Object additionalProperty;


When I use this approach, the AdditionalPropertyDto class returns null, and only the UUID obtains mapping.

  public SettingDto apply(SettingEntity settingEntity) {
        return, SettingDto.class);


  • Use ObjectMapper separately for additionalProperty setting

    Like this

    public SettingDto apply(SettingEntity settingEntity) {
        SettingDto settingDto =, SettingDto.class);
        ObjectWriter ow = new ObjectMapper().writer().withDefaultPrettyPrinter();
        String json = null;
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        try {
            json = ow.writeValueAsString(settingEntity.getAdditionalProperty());
            settingDto.setAdditionalProperty( mapper.readValue(json, AdditionalPropertyDto.class));
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Error Converting entity to dto...");
        return settingDto;