What is the easiest way in Java 6 to determine whether a given address is a valid net mask? I have found one solution which basically creates an array of valid IPs to use in a comparison (i.e. "", "", "", etc...). Is there an easier way or is this the best way?
If you're happy to include an external dependency, then Apache's commons.net may have what you're looking for.
Have a look at SubnetUtils and its SubnetInfo nested class. You can construct a SubnetUtils
with an IP address and a mask. The constructor throws an exception if your mask is invalid, and SubnetInfo.html#isInRange can tell you if an IP is in a mask's range.
String subnetString = "";
String checkIP = "";
org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils subnet = new org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils(subnetString);
org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo info = subnet.getInfo();
System.out.println(checkIP + " is" + (info.isInRange(checkIP)?" ":" NOT " ) + "contained in " + subnetString);