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How prevent CKEditor from removing <html>, <head> and <body> tags

My problem is basically identical to the one described in this other post except that it concerned CKeditor 4 and I'm actually dealing with the version 5 of the module.

In a nutshell : if I try to edit in ckeditor a html doc like

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" />

The only thing that is visible when displaying it with the source plugin or that is kept after saving it is plainly


My ckeditor config is (I commented the useless attempt I made which are described a bit further)

/* multiple plugins import */

class Editor extends DecoupledDocumentEditor {
  constructor(document) {
    // = new XmlDataProcessor( document); // attempt without Html processor
    // this.editing.view.domConverter.preElements =["pre","style","head","html","body","meta"];
    // this.editing.view.domConverter.unsafeElements = ["script"]; // attempts on the view converter
    // =["pre","style","head","html","body","meta"];
    // = ["script"]; // attempts on the data converter

// Plugins to be included in the build.
Editor.builtinPlugins = [
        /* List of plugins, for clarity I only left the relevant ones */

The instantiation of the editor is done through

    .create(this.options.textArea.val(), {
        language: Bosecr.config.LOCALE,
        htmlSupport: {
            allow: [
                { // to keep all the html tags and their attributes
                    name: /.*/,
                    attributes: true,
                    classes: true,
                    styles: true
        updateSourceElementOnDestroy: true
    .then(editor => {
        console.log("view.preElements : " + editor.editing.view.domConverter.preElements);
        console.log("view.unsafeElements : " + editor.editing.view.domConverter.unsafeElements);
        console.log("data.preElements : " +;
        console.log("data.unsafeElements : " +;
        // editor.editing.view.domConverter.preElements=["pre","style","head","html","body"];
        // editor.editing.view.domConverter.unsafeElements=["scripts"]; 
        this.options.toolbarArea.append( editor.ui.view.toolbar.element );
        this.options.widgets.editor = editor;
    .catch(error => {
        alert("error occured during editor creation : " + error);

I've tried

  • to add the plugin General Html support and configure it to allow everything => it did a good job to allows div with homemade style's classes. But it doesn't seems to have any effect outside of the <body> tag.
  • I've also tried to replace the HtmlDataProcessor by a XMLDataProcessor => this bring more issues than solution as the <br> (not self closed) and the &nbsp; are then blocking issues.

I'm not sure to understand why, when or how the content of tag is removed. I can imagine 2 scenarios : either, only the content of <body> is kept (and all the rest is discarded) or only specific tags are removed (is there a configurable list of those somewhere ?)

As a wild guess I tried to act on the DomConverter which seems to be defined in 2 places of the ckeditor 'engine' : both for the editing.view and the data.processor. I tried to add html, body, meta, head tags in the preElements list but without any noticeable effect. Just to be sure, I tried this

  • after the creation of the editor (within the then() function)
  • and before the creation by overriding the constructor in the ckeditor config

I've the feeling that I'm getting close of a solution and that my need is not so strange that it wouldn't be allowed by this new version of CKEditor (as a matter of fact, it was working in the previous version through a plain boolean parameter : fullPage: true)

So I must be missing something. Does any one would have an idea of how or in which direction I could investigate further ?


  • Well, I'm not sure how I miss it at first place, it looks pretty straightforward now that I found the solution.

    Actually, this is just in the official doc. Aside of the general html support feature, I had to activate the full page html edition feature.

    This is plainly done in the module definition by

    /* multiple plugins import */
    /*GeneralHtmlSupport is for the extra html support like homemade div,
    while FullPage is for the out-of-the-<body> content */
    import {GeneralHtmlSupport, FullPage} from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support';
    class Editor extends DecoupledDocumentEditor {
    /* overriding the constructor is actually useless*/
    // Plugins to be included in the build.
    Editor.builtinPlugins = [
            /* List of plugins, for clarity I only left the relevant ones */
        FullPage,        // declare the new FullPage plugin