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Java: IOException: Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line

I'm using CSVParser and CSVReader for parsing and reading csv-files.

 char QUOTE = '""';

 InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(content);
 CSVParser csvParser = new CSVParserBuilder()
 CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(reader);

I faced with the following problem. When I pass to csvParser.parseLine(currentLine)-method line with multiple semicolons at the end of csv-line (for example):

"GGDIRECT";"ARCIT_TEST_1";"Test table for ArcIt";500;;;

it returns exception: Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line


  • It looks like you haven't used csvParser because you don't pass it to the CSVReader constructor. This means you parse with the default field separator and not ";".

    I'm not near PC to check but see if another constructor accepts reader and csvParser, something like :

    CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(reader, linesToSkip, csvParser);


    It looks like I have been viewing incorrect website for CSVReader API. However you have found the correct way to link your customised CSVParser with Reader to make CSVReader:

    CSVParser csvParser = new CSVParserBuilder().withSeparator(';')
    CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReaderBuilder(reader).withCSVParser(csvParser).build();

    You can verify with test:

    String content = "\"GGDIRECT\";\"ARCIT_TEST_1\";\"Test table for ArcIt\";500;;;";
    try (CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(new StringReader(content))) {
        csvReader.forEach(arr -> System.out.format("WRONG String[%d] = %s%n", arr.length, Arrays.toString(arr)));
    try (CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReaderBuilder(new StringReader(content)).withCSVParser(csvParser).build()) {
        csvReader.forEach(arr -> System.out.format("RIGHT String[%d] = %s%n", arr.length, Arrays.toString(arr)));


    WRONG String[1] = [GGDIRECT";"ARCIT_TEST_1";"Test table for ArcIt";500;;;]
    RIGHT String[7] = [GGDIRECT, ARCIT_TEST_1, Test table for ArcIt, 500, , , ]