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How can we disable sweetalert select box option.?

I used sweetalert in my jquery web application. And I'm showing that with select box. That's sweetalert options like below.

  title: 'Select field validation',
  input: 'select',
  inputOptions: {
      apples: 'Apples',
      bananas: 'Bananas',
      grapes: 'Grapes',
      oranges: 'Oranges'
  inputPlaceholder: 'Select a fruit',
  showCancelButton: true,

But, I want to disable particular select box option in that sweetalert select box.

If anybody know that solution means, Kindly share here.


  • Use the didOpen method it will call after swal select box init

          title: 'Select field validation',
          input: 'select',
          inputOptions: {
            apples: 'Apples',
            bananas: 'Bananas',
            grapes: 'Grapes',
            oranges: 'Oranges'
          inputPlaceholder: 'Select a fruit',
          showCancelButton: true,
          didOpen: () => {
            $('.swal2-select option:first').attr('disabled', true);