Imagine I have this function template:
template<auto& ... FLAGS>
void function(const char *c_str) {
std::stringstream strs;
//((strs << FLAGS)...); // <-- how do I do this?
strs << c_str;
Consider that the function template is going to be used like this:
function<std::dec, std::left>("123");
how to apply the operator <<
on each parameter from the parameter pack (with the object strs
I have already found a workaround with introducing a helper function:
void unpack(const auto& ...){};
And in the original function template:
unpack((strs << FLAGS)...);
But I was wondering if there is a better way to this!
The expression
strs << FLAG1 << FLAG2 << FLAG3;
is equal to
(((strs << FLAG1) << FLAG2) << FLAG3);
You have to chain operators, therefore you need the form of fold-expression
( cast-expression fold-operator ... fold-operator cast-expression )
where fold-operator is stringstream::operator<<
(strs << ... << FLAGS);