I'm using react fiber, and cannot figure out how to get the background of my child scene to be transparent
This is my root component with the main Canvas
export const Splash = () => {
const { intensity, distance, color, ambientIntensity } = useControls('Main lights', {
intensity: { value: 9, min: 0, max: 200, step: 0.5 },
distance: { value: 100, min: -100, max: 100, step: 0.5 },
color: "#7c0505",
ambientIntensity: { value: 0.5, min: -3, max: 3, step: 0.1 },
return (<>
onCreated={({ gl }) => {
gl.setClearColor(0xFF0000, 0);
gl.autoClear = false;
gl={{ antialias: true, alpha: true }}
camera={{ fov: 65, position: [0, 0, 30] }}>
<ambientLight intensity={ambientIntensity} color={color} />
<RadialGradientPlane />
<RadialGradientPlane />
The Main
Component simply just renders a child scene
function Main({ children }) {
const scene = useRef()
const { gl, camera } = useThree()
useFrame(() => {
gl.autoClear = false
gl.render(scene.current, camera)
}, 1)
return <scene ref={scene}>{children}</scene>
This IS transparent, if i remove the ApplyEffects component i see the RadialGradientPlane and my normal document background colour.
It's something to do with the ApplyEffects component, which is:
import { Effects } from '@react-three/drei';
import { UnrealBloomPass, RenderPass, WaterPass } from 'three-stdlib';
export default function ApplyEffects({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }}) {
const waterPass = useRef<WaterPass>(null!);
const composer = useRef<EffectComposerGeneric<WebGLRenderTarget>>(null!)
const { size, camera } = useThree();
const aspect = useMemo(() => new Vector2(2046, 2046), [])
const [scene, setScene] = useState<Scene>();
const {strength, threshold, radius} = useControls('Bloom', {
threshold: { value: 0.1, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 },
strength: { value: 1.5, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.01 },
radius: { value: 0.05, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 },
useEffect(() => {
if (composer.current) {
composer.current.setSize(size.width, size.height)
}, [size])
useFrame(() => {
if (waterPass.current) {
waterPass.current.time += 0.05;
composer.current.renderer.autoClear = false
}, 2);
return <>
<scene ref={setScene}>{children}</scene>
<Effects ref={composer} disableGamma={true} disableRenderPass={true}>
<renderPass scene={scene} camera={camera} />
<waterPass ref={waterPass} attach="passes" factor={0.6} />
resolution={aspect} />
I feel like I've tried everything here, i cannot figure it out!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here's an example of the same issue: small example
If you remove the "Effects" the background is transparent and shows the white body colour.
This is a well-known issue reported and heavily discussed here.
One of the solutions is implemented here and seem to solve the problem based on this demo.
Please let me know if this helps.