I have 2 classes, Employee and derived classes productEmployee. Here is implement:
class employee:
class Employee
char name[100];
Employee();//char[100] -> don't declare anything
virtual ~Employee();//char[100] -> don't delete anything
virtual float getSalary() = 0;
virtual void input();//input to name
virtual void print();//print name
class productEmployee:
class productEmployee :
public Employee
int product;
productEmployee() :Employee(){
product = 0;
~productEmployee();//don't delete anything
float getLuong() {
return 150000 * product;
void input() {
cin >> product;
void print() {
cout << "Product: " << product;
cout << "Salary: " << getSalary() << endl;
in main.cpp
string file = "data.dat";
productEmployee a, b;
ofstream fout(file, ios::binary);
fout.write((char*)&a, sizeof(a));//write object a
ifstream fin(file, ios::binary);
fin.seekg(0, ios::beg);
fin.read((char*)&b, sizeof(b));//read object a --> b
It work well, I type "12345" and 10. But when I comment from a.input() to fout.close(), mean only this code run(I want to read like that)
string file = "data.dat";
productEmployee b;
ifstream fin(file, ios::binary);
fin.seekg(0, ios::beg);
fin.read((char*)&b, sizeof(b));//read object a --> b
b.print() only run well NhanVien::print() and count<<product, when into like getSalary(), debug show error:
Exception thrown: read access violation.
this-> was 0x7FF624BE7290.
and I also don't understand meaning address of __vfptr it has values 0x00007ff624be7290{???,???,???,???,???}
So, how can I read this binary file without write first (code worked well when we write above like cell3 here, but only read like cell4 is not working..)
I Solved my problem:(Maybe like that) when I write to object, I don't write virtual table of that, so when I read object from file, this NhanVienSanXuat b don't have virtual table so it had some error, so i only need to use NhanVien *c = b.clone(), c have value we had and also have virtual table, so it works well!