I am upgrading from OpenTK 3.3.3 to OpenTK 4.7.7.
The migrated code below doesn't work.
(There are no errors, no sound.)
//OpenTK.OpenAL 4.7.7
var device = ALC.OpenDevice(null);
var context = ALC.CreateContext(device, new ALContextAttributes());
int bufferId = AL.GenBuffer();
int sourceId = AL.GenSource();
int channels, bits_per_sample, sample_rate;
byte[] soundData = LoadWave(
File.Open(sFileName, FileMode.Open),
out channels,
out bits_per_sample,
out sample_rate);
, GetSoundFormat(channels, bits_per_sample)
, soundData
, bits_per_sample);
AL.Source(sourceId, ALSourcei.Buffer, bufferId);
AL.Source(sourceId, ALSourceb.Looping, true);
The code that worked in OpenTK 3.3.3 is as follows.
//OpenTK 3.3.3
AudioContext context = new AudioContext();
int bufferId = AL.GenBuffer();
int sourceId = AL.GenSource();
int state;
int channels, bits_per_sample, sample_rate;
byte[] sound_data = LoadWave(
File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)
, out channels
, out bits_per_sample
, out sample_rate);
, GetSoundFormat(channels, bits_per_sample)
, sound_data
, sound_data.Length
, sample_rate);
AL.Source(sourceId, ALSourcei.Buffer, bufferId);
AL.Source(sourceId, ALSourceb.Looping, true);
OpenTK.OpenAL 4.7.7 test project(github)
OpenTK 3.3.3 test project(github)
This is a code I made using code that other people are using on the Internet.
Looking at the OpenTK 3.3.3 code, it seems to work, but I would like to know where the problem is.
I found the following article through a search.
Referring to the code here, I modified it as follows.
It works the way you want it to.
IntPtr unmanagedPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sound_data.Length);
Marshal.Copy(sound_data, 0, unmanagedPointer, sound_data.Length);
, GetSoundFormat(channels, bits_per_sample)
, unmanagedPointer
, sound_data.Length
, sample_rate);