In the following example code, the function "getOriginalName" does not exist, but that is what I am looking for:
for(let variable of [var1, var2, var3]) {
console.log("Value: " + variable);
console.log("Name: " + getOriginalName(variable));
In my dreams, getOriginalName would return "var1", "var2" and "var3".
I know that you can access the name of variable "x" with:
varName = Object.keys({x})[0]
However, in my case this does not get me far, as the loop variable is called "variable" in each iteration. So is there no way to iterate over a list of variables and still get the name of these variables?
Based on your comment, you can use an object containing key value pairs:
let var1 = 1;
let var2 = 2;
let var3 = 3;
}).forEach(([k, v]) => {
console.log("Name: " + k);
console.log("Value: " + v);