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JavaScript SubtleCrypto - Is there a way to convert the ECDSA keys into a bit more "portable" format and preferably shorter?

I am using the browser built in SubtleCrypto library in javascript to generate public and private keys as such:

let keyPair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
        name: "ECDSA",
        namedCurve: "P-521",
    ['sign', 'verify']
let exportedPublicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", keyPair.publicKey)
let exportedPrivateKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", keyPair.privateKey)

This generates the following (just a test key):

enter image description here

Is there a way to convert the exported keys into a bit more "portable" format? Something which isn't JSON, isn't super long, maybe hex format? Maybe compressed format?

I tried passing "raw" instead of "jwk" for the exportKey function and that returns an "Operation is not supported" error because it's probably not supported for this format.

For example, Eth-Crypto has a publicKey.compress() way to compress the public key into a short enough string: '03a34d6aef3eb42335fb3cacb59478c0b44c0bbeb8bb4ca427dbc7044157a5d24b'

Similarly, Schnorr keys are also pretty short.


  • WebCrypto limitations:
    WebCrypto does not support the export of raw keys for private EC keys. As a workaround the key can be exported as JWK and the d parameter extracted.
    For public EC keys, export as raw key is supported. The exported key is uncompressed. The conversion to a compressed key has to be implemented by the user (if needed).
    In addition, the public raw key (uncompressed or compressed) can of course also be created from the x and y coordinates of the private or public key exported as JWK.

    Uncompressed/compressed public key:
    The public EC key corresponds to an EC point (x, y).
    The uncompressed public key is the concatenation of a 0x04 marker byte, the x coordinate, and the y coordinate (in this order): 0x04|x|y. For P-521, it has a length of 1 + 66 + 66 = 133 bytes.
    The compressed key is the concatenation of a marker byte and the x-coordinate (in this order). The marker byte is 0x02 for an even y: 0x02|x, and 0x03 for an odd y: 0x03|x. For P-521, the compressed key has a length of 1 + 66 = 67 bytes.
    For completeness, the compressed key contains the complete information to reconstruct the EC point and y, respectively: From the x coordinate of the compressed key, the two possible y values are determined using the curve equation. The marker byte determines which of the two values is the searched y value.

    Possible implementation of raw key export with WebCrypto:

    (async () => {
    var keyPair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
            name: "ECDSA",
            namedCurve: "P-521",
        ['sign', 'verify']
    rawUncomp.innerHTML = "public/uncompressed (hex):<br>" + ab2hex(await exportRawPublicKey(keyPair.publicKey, true));
    rawComp.innerHTML = "public/compressed (hex):<br>" + ab2hex(await exportRawPublicKey(keyPair.publicKey, false));
    rawPriv.innerHTML = "private (hex):<br>" + ab2hex(await exportRawPrivateKey(keyPair.privateKey));
    // Export raw public key (compressed or uncompressed) as ArrayBuffer
    async function exportRawPublicKey(publicKey, uncompressed){
        var key = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", publicKey);
        if (!uncompressed) {
            var keyUncompressed = Array.from(new Uint8Array(key));
            var keySize = (keyUncompressed.length - 1)/2;
            var keyCompressed =[];
            keyCompressed.push(keyUncompressed[2 * keySize] % 2 ? 3 : 2);
            keyCompressed.push(...keyUncompressed.slice(1, keySize + 1));
            key = new Uint8Array(keyCompressed).buffer;
        return key;     
    // Export raw private key as ArrayBuffer
    async function exportRawPrivateKey(privateKey){
        var keyJwk = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", privateKey);
        var rawKeyB64 = toBase64(keyJwk.d);
        return b642ab(rawKeyB64);
    // Helper
    // Base64url -> Base64
    function toBase64(input) {
        input = input.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
        return input + "=".repeat(3 - (3 + input.length) % 4);
    // Base64 -> ArrayBuffer
    function b642ab(b64){
        return Uint8Array.from(window.atob(b64), c => c.charCodeAt(0));
    // ArrayBuffer -> hex
    function ab2hex(ab) { 
        return Uint8Array(ab), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
    <div  style="font-family:'Courier New', monospace;" id="rawUncomp"></div>
    <div  style="font-family:'Courier New', monospace;" id="rawComp"></div>
    <div  style="font-family:'Courier New', monospace;" id="rawPriv"></div>