How can I transform(remove in this case) flowfile if one of the fields of the object is null using JoltTransformJson processor in nifi
here below is my data.
"Name" : "john Smith",
"DOB" : "2000-07-14",
"Salary" : 16000.0
"Name" : "Sara Jacob",
"DOB" : "2000-07-14",
"Salary" : 12000.0
"Name" : "Peter John",
"DOB" : null,
"Salary" : 20000.0
"Name" : "Lia Poul",
"DOB" : "2000-07-14",
"Salary" : 18000.0
I used SplitJSON
processor to split the JSON File into multiple -separate FlowFiles and i connected the downstream with the JoltTransformJson
processor. Next, I configured JoltTransformJson as below:
Jolt Transformation DSL: chain
Jolt Specification:
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"rowsToRemove": {
"*": {
"DOB": {
"$null": ""
But this expression only removed the DOB field, not the whole object and Flowfile.
Yes you can use JoltTransformJSON
processor with the following transformation specs which contain notNull function that pricipally resolves the issue such as
{ // produce a new attribute, namely "Nl" to check whether the DOB is null
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
"Nl": ["=notNull(@(1,DOB))", "NuLl"]
{ // the following conditional spontaneously removes the object having "Nl" : "NuLl" pair
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"Nl": {
"NuLl": {
"@2": "@3,Nl"
"*": {
"@2": ""
{ // get rid of the remaining "Nl" attributes
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
"Nl": ""
the demo on the site is