I want to access multiple log streams of a log group from cloud watch via java:
AWSLogs logsClient = builder.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(awsCreds))
DescribeLogStreamsRequest describeLogStreamsRequest = new DescribeLogStreamsRequest().withLogGroupName("foo").withOrderBy(OrderBy.LastEventTime).withDescending(true);DescribeLogStreamsResult describeLogStreamsResult = logsClient.describeLogStreams(describeLogStreamsRequest);
for (LogStream logStream : describeLogStreamsResult.getLogStreams()) {
GetLogEventsRequest getLogEventsRequest = new GetLogEventsRequest()
the documentation states, that 50 log streams is the max. Is there any way to access more than the (latest) 50 log streams?
See comment:
As you can see in the documentation you provided, there's a nextToken. That's part of every AWS API call that gives a list of elements. You need to create a loop and pass the nextToken so you can get more elements