I use Hilt as as DI in Android Studio project, I know there are two ways to create the instance of ViewModel()
Way 1
way1: RecordSoundViewModel = hiltViewModel()
Way 2
val way2: RecordSoundViewModel by viewModels()
1: Coudl you tell me if viewModel1
, viewModel2
, viewModel3
and viewModel4
is the same instance of RecordSoundViewModel
2: If the four instances are not the same instance of RecordSoundViewModel
, how can I get the same instance?
class ActivityMain : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val viewModel3: RecordSoundViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) {
val viewModel4: RecordSoundViewModel by viewModels()
fun ScreenHome_Line(
viewModel1: RecordSoundViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
fun ScreenHome_Recording(
viewModel2: RecordSoundViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
class RecordSoundViewModel @Inject constructor(
): ViewModel()
Yes you can use the same viewmodel instance.
It is understood when the source code is examined.
public class ViewModelLazy<VM : ViewModel> @JvmOverloads constructor(
private val viewModelClass: KClass<VM>,
private val storeProducer: () -> ViewModelStore,
private val factoryProducer: () -> ViewModelProvider.Factory,
private val extrasProducer: () -> CreationExtras = { CreationExtras.Empty }
) : Lazy<VM> {
private var cached: VM? = null
override val value: VM
get() {
val viewModel = cached
return if (viewModel == null) {
val factory = factoryProducer()
val store = storeProducer()
).get(viewModelClass.java).also {
cached = it
} else {
override fun isInitialized(): Boolean = cached != null