I have a bit of a head scratcher here. I am a very inexperienced VBA user, and I am making a Sales entry form. Right now, I have a combo box that is populating with the names of different sheets on the workbook.
I have "next" and "previous" buttons that pull up info from different rows using this code:
If Not IsEmpty(Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 2, 20)) Then
.Caption = Val(.Caption) + 1
End If
Me.BHSDADDRESSLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 23)
Me.BHSDALTPHONELF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 26)
Me.BHSDCAMPAIGNSLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 34)
Me.BHSDCCPDLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 31)
Me.BHSDCOMPANYNAMELF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 21)
Me.BHSDCSZLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 24)
Me.BHSDCVVLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 4)
Me.BHSDEMAILLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 22)
Me.BHSDEXPLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 3)
Me.BHSDHIGHAMOUNTLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 25)
Me.BHSDHOWWHOLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 32)
Me.BHSDLASTCARDLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 2)
Me.BHSDMAINNUMBERLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 19)
Me.BHSDPOSS1LF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 27)
Me.BHSDPOSS2LF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 28)
Me.BHSDPOSS3LF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 29)
Me.BHSDTAPNAMELF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 20)
Me.BHSDWHATWHYLF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 33)
Me.BHSDZIPCODELF.Value = Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells(.Caption + 1, 5)
End With
End Sub
Instead of Worksheets("GG TAPS").Cells
, I want the worksheet to be the name that is currently selected in the combo box. Is this possible?
Work with Objects. Your code will become much simpler to handle.
Is this what you are trying? (UNTESTED)
I have commented the code. But if you face an issue then leave a comment below.
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
'~~> Check if the user has selected a value in Combo box
'~~> Change ComboBox1 with the relevant combo box
If ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox "Select the name of the worksheet"
Exit Sub
End If
'~~> This is to handle any typo while populating the combo
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ComboBox1.Value)
On Error GoTo 0
If ws Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "This workbook doesn't have the sheet with the name " & ComboBox1.Value
Exit Sub
End If
'~~> And then you can use the worksheet Object
If Not IsEmpty(ws.Cells(BHSDROWLABELLF.Caption + 2, 20).Value2) Then
End If
'~~> OR using WITH - END WITH
With ws
If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(BHSDROWLABELLF.Caption + 2, 20).Value2) Then
End If
End With
'~~> Rest of the code
End Sub