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How To Set Dynamic Max Domain in VegaLite

I have a vega-lite plot that streams data, and I want the domainMax for x-axis to always be one value higher than the extent of the data.

I'm using ExprRef to specify what I want

"encoding": {
    "x": {
      "field": "time",
      "type": "quantitative",
      "scale": {
        "domainMax": {
          "expr": "extent(datum.time)[1] + 1"

But I get the following error in Vega Editor Logs

[Error] datum is not defined

The full spec can be found here: Open in Vega Editor

Any help would be appreciated


  • I don't think you can refer to a datum there. Try this:

    enter image description here

      "$schema": "",
      "width": 200,
      "height": 200,
      "description": "Evolution of sigma_x and sigma_y",
      "data": {
        "name": "sx_sy",
        "values": [
            "time": 74.54999999999791,
            "sigma_x,sigma_y": -0.6484937856688245,
            "type": "σx"
            "time": 74.54999999999791,
            "sigma_x,sigma_y": 0.7451802282585529,
            "type": "σy"
            "time": 74.5999999999979,
            "sigma_x,sigma_y": -0.6857527970817522,
            "type": "σx"
            "time": 74.5999999999979,
            "sigma_x,sigma_y": 0.7108925884044653,
            "type": "σy"
      "transform": [
        {"joinaggregate": [{"op": "max", "field": "time", "as": "max"}]}
      "params": [{"name": "max", "expr": "data('data_0')[0]['max']"}],
      "mark": {"type": "line", "clip": true},
      "encoding": {
        "x": {
          "field": "time",
          "type": "quantitative",
          "scale": {"domainMax": {"expr": "max+0.1"}},
          "axis": {
            "labelFontSize": 20,
            "titleFontSize": 25,
            "title": "time (seconds)"
        "y": {
          "field": "sigma_x,sigma_y",
          "type": "quantitative",
          "scale": {"domain": [-1, 1]},
          "axis": {"labelFontSize": 20, "titleFontSize": 25, "title": "σx, σy"}
        "color": {
          "field": "type",
          "type": "nominal",
          "legend": {"labelFontSize": 20, "title": ""}