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WARNING: Unable to resolve crossref for figure in quarto html file

I have a .qmd file with this contents:


If you look at @fig-pay_bame_diff 

It outputs the image, but can't process the crossref to the figure:

enter image description here

  document-css: false
  link-citations: true
  date-format: long
  lang: en
WARNING: Unable to resolve crossref @fig-pay_bame_diff
Output created: test.html


  • Its not working because you have not provided a figure caption (i.e. fig-cap).

    For markdown image syntax, figure caption goes within the sqaure brackets [].

    So try with,

    ![some label](images/plt_pay_bame_diff){#fig-pay_bame_diff}
    If you look at @fig-pay_bame_diff