I am trying to use Sentry in a chrome extension project. Here is a workaround.
If I try this code in background.js file:
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'
Sentry.WINDOW.document = {
visibilityState: 'hidden',
addEventListener: () => {},
I get an error: TypeError: Cannot set property document of #<Window> which has only a getter
I tried to update code to this:
Object.defineProperty(Sentry.WINDOW, 'document', {
value: {
visibilityState: 'hidden',
addEventListener: () => {},
configurable: true,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
but now I am getting error: TypeError: Cannot redefine property: document
Any ideas how can I fix this and use Sentry in a browser extension?
I found out the issue. The key is to don't import anything from background.js into content script.
In my case the whole file background.js was called in my content script, because I imported a variable. For this reason whole background.js was called in content script:
Sentry.WINDOW.document = {
visibilityState: 'hidden',
addEventListener: () => {},
When I moved the variable from background.js to my content script file, I got rid off the error because background.js is called only in service worker now.