I am new to the calling API. I am calling API using Retrofit in Java. Sometimes I get that type of object.
"error": 0,
"msg": "Success",
"data": {
"request_id": 0000,
"request_status": "Complete",
"request_charge": "0.0000",
"recipients": [
"number": "8801800000000",
"charge": "0.0000",
"status": "Sent"
In this JSON how can I use "mag", the data object, and also use the recipients object.
I need the string value of mag, request_status, number, and status.
How can I do this?
In plain Javascript, if you have the above JSON object as a JSON string in a variable called myJson, just use JSON.parse to convert it into a JS object:
let myObject = JSON.parse(myJson);
If the JSON object is not a string, but already a JS object, skip the above.
Then simply access the properties of the object:
console.log(myObject.msg); // "Success"
console.log(myObject.data.recipients[2]); // "Sent"