I want to group 3 columns (Fruit, Color & Vendor) and get their corresponding group count in excel, without using any VBA code, but just simply using Excel functions.
Fruit Vendor Ledger Table:
ID | Fruit | Color | Vendor |
1 | Apple | Red | Rocket Apples |
2 | Apple | Red | Rocket Apples |
3 | Apple | Yellow | Rocket Apples |
4 | Apple | Green | Rocket Apples |
5 | Apple | Green | Rocket Apples |
6 | Apple | Green | Rocket Apples |
7 | Apple | Green | Sweet Greens |
8 | Apple | Green | Sweet Greens |
9 | Orange | Orange | Tangerines |
10 | Orange | Orange | Tangerines |
11 | Orange | Orange | Tangerines |
12 | Banana | Yellow | Phils |
13 | Banana | Yellow | Phils |
14 | Banana | Green | Brighton |
15 | Banana | Green | Brighton |
16 | Banana | Green | Brighton |
Expected result:
Fruit | Color | Vendor | Count |
Apple | Red | Rocket Apples | 2 |
Apple | Yellow | Rocket Apples | 1 |
Apple | Green | Rocket Apples | 3 |
Apple | Green | Sweet Greens | 2 |
Orange | Orange | Tangerines | 3 |
Banana | Yellow | Phils | 2 |
Banana | Green | Brighton | 3 |
In T-SQL, I would have written the SQL Query as follows. I wanted to know the function or feature by which I could achieve the same in Excel.
SELECT [Fruit], [Color], [Vendor], COUNT(1)
FROM [dbo].[FruitVendorTable] WITH (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY [Fruit], [Color], [Vendor]
Posting the answer, on behalf of @ScottCraner and @MayukhBhattacharya. Thank you both!