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Flask Setup Code. UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pwmOneDutyCycle' referenced before assignment

I am trying to setup GPIO ports on a flask server to give it input remotely.

from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

app = Flask(__name__)

def before_first_request():
   pwmOne = GPIO.PWM(12, 100)
   pwmOneDutyCycle = 0

@app.route('/', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def remoteInput():
   if request.method == 'POST':
      pwmOneDutyCycle += 10

Whenever it receives a request it says the pwmOneDutyCycle is not defined (i'm assuming pwmOne is not defined either). Why? Any tips for how I can fix this? I need to initialize this code once and don't want it to reinitialize upon each individual request.


    1. You need to have pwmOneDutyCycle outside of the 2 functions - before_first_request, remoteInput

    2. Then you need to make it global in each of the 2 functions

      In the end, you should have something like this

      pwmOneDutyCycle = None
      def before_first_request():
         global pwmOneDutyCycle
      def remoteInput():
         global pwmOneDutyCycle
    3. Explanation

      a) When your file loads, it initializes the variable pwmOneDutyCycle to a value of None

      b) Then before the first request is sent, it updates that value to 0

      c) Finally in remoteInput, it increases the value by 10