I would like to apply a custom method to any cell of a datatable without having to explicitly do so in the glue step code for each cell manually. My scenarios can have 1 to n columns so I cannot use a 'mapping' class with corresponding properties, AND the phrase may be something totally different as well but still with a datatable that needs its cells' data to be converted automatically.
Note: obviously the idea behind the custom method is not as simple as replacing "_" with " " that could be done in the glue file straight away, it has much more complex logic behind which cannot be done in the static feature file itself.
Consider a feature file with a scenario such as:
Scenario: Verify datatable cell transformation
Then Verify default datatable cells automatic converter:
| row_1_cell_1_value | row_1_cell_2_value | row_1_cell_3_value |
| row_2_cell_1_value | row_2_cell_2_value | row_2_cell_3_value |
And the glue file with the corresponding method:
@Then("Verify default datatable cells automatic converter:")
public void VerifyDatatableCellsAutomaticConverter(DataTable datatable)
System.out.println("datatable.row(0).get(0) = '" + datatable.row(0).get(0) + "'");
Output would be:
datatable.row(0).get(0) = 'row_1_cell_1_value'
I would like to perform a call to a custom method on every cell of the datable, without an explicit call in the glue method itself because I need to do it for every scenario. I tried some code with the @DefaultParameterTransformer, @DefaultDataTableEntryTransformer and @DefaultDataTableCellTransformer in my ParameterTypes class, but if I do any output, nothing is ever printed out.
Let's imagine my 'customMethod' would replace all "_" characters with " " of the cells of the datable; how can I achieve the same as:
@Then("Verify default datatable cells automatic converter:")
public void VerifyDatatableCellsAutomaticConverter(DataTable datatable)
// Pseudo code to make it shorter
DataTable datatable = foreachrows(i).foreachcells(j){ customMethod(datatable.row(i).get(j)); }
System.out.println("datatable.row(0).get(0) = '" + datatable.row(0).get(0) + "'");
System.out.println("datatable.row(0).get(1) = '" + datatable.row(0).get(1) + "'");
// etc.
System.out.println("datatable.row(1).get(2) = '" + datatable.row(1).get(2) + "'");
Output would be:
datatable.row(0).get(0) = 'row 1 cell 1 value'
datatable.row(0).get(1) = 'row 1 cell 2 value'
datatable.row(1).get(2) = 'row 2 cell 3 value'
Something such as:
public class ParameterTypes
public Object transformer(Object fromValue, Type toValueType)
System.out.println("fromValue = '" + fromValue.toString());
return "";
Would not even output the line as if the method was not actually used.
How can I do this ?
Additionally, could it also be possible to do for the Examples
datatable when the scenario is with the Outline
keyword ?
Thank you
PS: I use <cucumber.version>7.11.1</cucumber.version>
You need to transform the data table into something for the transformation to be invoked. You could implement your own table like object that has variabele with and height.
public MyTranformedTable transformAndLog(DataTable table
) {
// Do logging and transformation here
return new MyTranformedTable(table);
Then use MyTranformedTable
as the argument for your step definitions.
Additionally, could it also be possible to do for the Examples datatable when the scenario is with the Outline keyword ?
Example tables are syntactic sugar for repeating the scenario.
So only with a parameter type. You'd have to declare this in your step definitions. E.g. @Given("My {transformedString}")