Is there a way to dynamically set the xpath or id used by Appium @FindBy() so I dont have to create a dozen individual WebElements?
I am using the Page Object Model to automate a mobile app. I use to just create a method that would find an element based on a string I would pass it but now I am trying to use annotations to get my elemetents.
Estinally I am hoping there is a way to basically do this
class Page{
AppiumDriver driver;
public Page(AppiumDriver driver){
this.driver = driver
PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver), this)
@iOSXCUITFindBy(xpath = "//*[@text='"+option+"']")
@AndroindFindBy(xpath = "//*[@text='"+option+"']")
private WebElement dynamicOption(option)
public void selectOption(String option){
public void testAThing(){
Page page = new Page(driver);
I understand that the syntax probably doesn't make sense but this is the general idea of what I want to do
I used to do something like this but I want to know if there is a way with annotations
private WebElement dynamicOption(String option){
return driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@text='"+option+"']"));
After over a month of no answer I am pretty sure that my WebElement function is the only way I can do what I want
private WebElement dynamicElement(String locator) {
if (driver.getClass() == AndroidDriver.class) {
return driver.findElement(AppiumBy.xpath(
String.format("//android.widget.TextView[@text='%s']", locator)));
else {
return driver.findElement(AppiumBy.iOSClassChain(
String.format("**/XCUIElementTypeStaticText[`label == \"%s\"`]", locator)));