I would like to know if there is any method or function in Spring Boot that allows you to create folders with names of year, month and day, and that they are subsequently created with the current system date?
Like this example:
Year: 2023 --
| |
| Month: 05 --
| | |
| | Day: 15
| | 16
| | 17
| Month: 06 --
| |
| Day: 01
| 02
| 03
Year: 2024 --
Month: 01 --
| |
| Day: 03
| 04
| 05
Month: 02 --
Day: 01
I would appreciate any comments and support that gives me the solution.
Task like this is not in the focus of Spring Boot framework, so the direct answer to your question is: No, there is nothing particular in spring boot that can help you. Having said that, Java has enough APIs to achieve this task: