I am using Playwright in C#. I have a text box:
<input id="NameFirst" name="NameFirst" type="text" >
In my Playwright test, I need to check to see if the name populating the text box is equal to the string "firstName".
This is what I have tried (along with practically every other Playwright assertion):
await Expect(RMSPage.Locator("#NameFirst")).ToContainTextAsync("firstName");
Here is the error I am receiving:
Microsoft.Playwright.PlaywrightException : Locator expected to contain text 'firstName'
But was: ''
What you want is to get the value of the input. You need to use ToHaveValueAsync
await Expect(RMSPage.Locator("#NameFirst")).ToHaveValueAsync("firstName");
Sometimes the values of an element is in placeholder / Value attribute and sometime as text.
So based on situation we can use
ToHaveAttributeAsync("type", "text");
ToHaveTextAsync(new Regex("Welcome, Test User"));