I am making an app that goes through the sections of .cards div horizontally.
<div class="cards" on:touchstart={handleTouchStart}
The handle touch functions work just fine moving the div by swiping, but I can't seem to disable swiping if it reaches the end of the div. Here's what I got so far
const handleTouchStart = (event) => {
startX = event.touches[0].clientX;
const handleTouchMove = (event) => {
const currentX = event.touches[0].clientX;
dist = startX - currentX;
if (distance===0 && dist < 0){
if (distance<-200){
const handleTouchEnd = () => {
if (dist > 0) {
// Swipe left
} else if (dist < 0) {
// Swipe right
The first if statement in handleTouchMove works as expected, but the second is not. I tried putting as else if, I tried <= instead of <, and I tried changing the value in the condition (the div is 300vw wide). None of them has any effect.
I got it, the fix was actually super simple! First of all, I combined the 2 statements into one, then what fixed it was actually looking for dist bigger that 0 rather than smaller than 0 which translates to swiping in the other direction. Here's the working if statement.
if ((distance === 0 && dist < 0) || (distance <= -200 && dist > 0)){