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I've written identical code for DataSet and DataTable. Can this be DRY'd?

I find that I've written the same code twice. There's this, with DataSet

public static DataSet foo(SqlCommand)
    var Adaptor = new SqlDataAdapter(Command);
    // The important line:
    DataSet Output = new DataSet();

and this with DataTable

public static DataTable foo(SqlCommand)
    var Adaptor = new SqlDataAdapter(Command);
    // The important line:
    DataTable Output = new DataTable();

Is there any way to remove this repetition? My attempts with generics have failed, since the compiler can't know that what I'm passing in is always safe to Fill.


  • No, this code can't be DRY'd because there's no Fill overload that takes in an interface or a class that is a common base to both DataSet and DataTable.

    There's also no way to use generic constraints in the form of or - You can't have a generic method where T is one of several unrelated types (by related I mean, of course, polymorphic interchangeable) so a attempting to write your method like static T foo<T>(SqlCommand cmd) where T : DataSet or T : DataTable will not compile.

    However, given the fact that these are only four lines of code that's being duplicated, I think it's not really a problem.